We are parents and educators committed to a just and equitable society. This blog is a forum to share ideas and resources to help us teach our children and ourselves about social equity issues.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Latinos in Hollywood and Mock Spanish

My sister sent me this link about stereotypes for Latinos in Hollywood. It is a reminder that the media we view has a perspective and message, which is often not the message we want to encourage or receive. Esai Morales talks about stereotypes from a male perspective and it would also be interesting to examine the way Latinas are stereotyped in Hollywood.

On a more academic note, Dr. Jane Hill, emeritus professor of linguistics and anthropology at the University of Arizona, has written extensively about the racist discourse of Mock Spanish which references the stereotypes Mr. Morales describes. Take a look at her essay, Mock Spanish: A Site For The Indexical Reproduction Of Racism In American English. The first chapter of her excellent book, The Everyday Language of White Racism, is also linked in the left hand column.

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